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Conrad Lab News

Check out this page for information about what is going on with the Conrad Lab. We update it with news on publications, conferences, people joining the lab and more! 

The Associate Dean’s Award for Exemplary Contributions to the Graduate Community is awarded by leadership to a person for outstanding service to the graduate community. ...

His talk titled “Computational Paradigms Shaping Andrology: Genetics, Pathology, and Collaboration” kicked off this year’s meeting. Congratulations Don!


The North American Testis Workshop is in conjunction with the American Society of Andrology Annual meeting. Ana has an oral presentation on her work on ...

Murillo comes to us from the University of Oregon where he worked with Andrew Kern and Peter Ralph on simulation-based inference in population genetics and ...

Eisa’s new paper is now available online in Andrology. Congratulations! Abstract Background: Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-Seq) has been widely adopted to study gene expression of the human ...

Muhammad’s paper on work he did during his six months as a visiting scholar in the Conrad lab is now available online In Andrology. Congratulations! ...

Alex’s paper is now available online in Genome Research. Congratulations! Abstract As part of an ongoing genome sequencing project at the Oregon National Primate Research ...

Marie-Sophie comes to the Conrad Lab from the University of Brest, France where she is working on her PhD as part of an MD/PhD program ...

Daniel’s paper is now available online in Bioinformatics. Congratulations! Abstract Motivation: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data, annotated by cell type, is useful in a variety ...

Antoni comes to us from Fundacio Puigvert in Barcelona where he studied the genetic causes of male infertility and their potential role in comorbidites. In ...

Nicole’s GTEx paper was profiled by OHSU news. Congratulations Nicole and Don!


Former grad student Nicole’s paper on detecting and analyzing PZMs in GTEx data is now available online in Science. Congratulations! Abstract Postzygotic mutations (PZMs) begin ...

Arvand comes to us from the Royan Institute in Tehran, Iran. He will be primarily working on the GEMINI project. Welcome Arvand!


Jacob is a PBMS student at OHSU. He will be working on characterizing germline mutations in macaques for his rotation project. Welcome Jacob!


Our main GEMINI paper is now available online in Nature Communications. Congratulations to all! Abstract Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is the most severe form of male ...

Dr. Laan a long-time collaborator on the GEMINI project. She is a professor of Human Genetics at the University of Tartu, Estonia and comes to ...

Ran and Ana’s paper is now available online in Bioinformatics. Congratulations! Abstract Motivation: The mammalian testis is a complex organ with a cellular composition that ...

Don is the project leader on this $3M grant which is a collaboration with MIT, the Broad Institute and Yale University. The center will provide ...

She will be working on our male infertility projects and will be primarily based at our Waterfront lab. Welcome Caitlin!


Fritize comes to us from the University of Hawaii where she studied the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the reproductive physiology of fish. She ...

Phil will be the lead project manager for the Marmoset Coordinating Center. Outside of the Conrad lab, she is also project manger for ONPRC’s ART ...

His poster focused on the mechanisms of multiple end-invasion, branch migration and resolution associated processing during meiotic recombination. Congratulations Jasvinder!


Jasvinder comes to us from the National Cancer institute and brings to the lab his expertise in recombination and meiosis, which he as studied extensively ...

Ana received a best poster award for her work on methods for rigorous quantification of mouse testicular function. Congrats Ana!


Don talked about the genetic analysis of human spermatogenetic failure at the he 18th Northwest Reproductive Sciences Symposium, held at the Skamania resort in Washington.


This is the lab’s first in-person meeting in over two years! Team members present three posters and one talk during the meeting in La Jolla! ...

Jenna will be working on the newly-funded NHP dGTex project that aims to characterize gene expression in a variety of tissues across prenatal and postnatal ...

Priscila comes to us from within ONPRC where she has used her extensive experience in bioinformatics to study the epigenetics of alcohol addiction and the ...

Caitlin is a graduate student in PBMS working on her PhD. For her rotation project, she will be working on analyzing GEMINI Phase I and ...

By Nicole Rockweiler In the children’s game of telephone, one person whispers a message to a second person and then that person whispers the message ...

As part of his studies at Colorado College, Daniel had an opportunity to present the work he has been doing in the Conrad lab at ...

Eisa’s paper is now available online in American Journal of Human Genetics. Congratulations! Abstract Klinefelter syndrome (KS), also known as 47, XXY, is characterized by ...

Dharani is a DMICE Master’s Student who is doing an internship in the Conrad Lab this fall. She will be analyzing DNA sequencing data to ...

Helen comes to the Conrad Lab from Arizona State University where she received a Masters in Natural Sciences. Although her background is in geobiology, she ...

Benson is a DMICE Master’s Student who is doing an internship in the Conrad Lab this fall. He will be using his background and interests ...

Rytis and Ieva are PhD students at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and will be working in the Conrad Lab for one year as ...

Although Nicole missed out on presenting in front of an amphitheater full of people due to COVID restrictions, defending via zoom gave people all over ...

Liina’s paper with GEMINI collaborators is now available in New England Journal of Medicine. The paper describes our discovery of PNLDC1 as a new male ...

The NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) were designed to repay educational debt of highly qualified researchers in return for a commitment to engage in NIH ...

Another paper by the GEMINI Consortium is available online in Human Genetics. Congratulations to all! Abstract Male infertility impacts millions of couples yet, the etiology ...

GEMINI collaborators publish letter in Cell disputing previously published data claiming the role of PIWIL1 D-box region mutations in human azoospermia. The article is now ...

After interning in the lab last summer, Daniel joins the lab as a student worker, while he takes a (COVID-19-related) break from his studies in ...

The latest paper from GEMINI collaborators investigating the role of Scrn1 in male fertility is now available online in Developmental Dynamics. Congratulations to all! Abstract ...

Don’s paper with collaborators at WashU – describing GWAS meta-analyses for sporadic and multiple consecutive miscarriage – is now available online in Nature Communications. Congratulations! ...

The latest paper from GEMINI collaborators, in which exome sequencing of an affected family as well as unrelated cases suggests an important role of MTC ...

Oregon Health & Science University has been selected along with two other institutions to coordinate neuroscience research across the country involving marmosets, a nonhuman primate ...

Don’s paper with collaborators at UNC and WashU is a nice example of how whole exome sequencing and bioinformatic analysis can be effectively used to ...

Don and Liina’s paper with GEMINI collaborators shows promise for the clinical utility of a pre–testicular sperm extraction (TESE) prognostic gene panel. The article is ...

Don and Liina’s paper with GEMINI collaborators, in which whole exome sequencing was performed on 58 men, is now available online in the American Journal ...

Ana presented her work on Spatial Dynamics of Protein Translation in Sertoli Cells and placed third in the Trainee Research Award competition. She also received ...

This is Ana’s second time being selected for this prestigious competition put on by the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR). She will be ...

Covid-19 couldn’t stop the Conrad Lab from getting together to catch up on what everyone is doing across the globe. It was so good to ...

Don’s paper with GEMINI collaborators at Monash University in Australia is now available online at Human Genetics. The paper presents a best practice guide when ...

Triona is a graduate student in PMBC. For her rotation project, she will be working on understanding the underlying mechanisms of male infertility using both ...

Over half of the Conrad Lab team are women! We are proud to have such accomplished and enthusiastic individuals in our lab.


Kevin is a graduate student in PMCB and our first rotation student at ONPRC! For his rotation project, he is working on detecting aneuploidies from ...

Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year! May your experiments work, your papers get accepted and your grant applications score well.


The Conrad Lab had a Thanksgiving potluck from around the world last week celebrating our cultural diversity. We are thankful for our growing lab, fantastic ...

Sophia Slack, from Westview High School, attended lab meeting and shadowed Ana who was doing microscopy work on mouse testis sections. Her visit was part ...

Alex comes to us from Dartmouth College with an ecology background. She will work on setting up sequencing pipelines using the MinION. Welcome Alex!


Ran comes to us from Northwestern University where his PhD thesis focused on developing image processing and statistical methods in fly embryos. Welcome Ran!


Don and Wu-Lin’s paper with collaborators at UNC – describing work they did to use PSAP to find a novel cause of PCD – is ...

Wu-Lin will present her poster, “Analysis of the n-on-one problem in human genetics” (PgmNr 1661), on Friday, October 18th. Stop by to have a chat ...

After many years of hard work, Arthur’s paper, identifying the role of CSMD1 in gametogenesis, is now available online at Nature Communications. Congratulations Arthur! Abstract ...

The lab went to Kiyokawa Family Orchards in Hood River Valley on Sunday to enjoy the beautiful weather and views of snowy Mr. Hood while ...

Nicole was one of only 20 students who was selected to participate in this prestigious summer school. The week-long school is highly interactive with presentations ...

Min’s single-cell paper was profiled by OHSU news. Congratulations Min and Don!


Amy comes to us through a collaboration between the Conrad and O’Bryan labs as part of the International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium (IMIGC). She is ...

Ana was a finalist for the SSR Trainee Research Award and presented a talk titled “Location matters: Compartmentalized protein translation in sertoli cells” at the ...

Min’s paper, describing a model-based factor analysis method to analyze a novel 57, 600-cell dataset from wildtype and mutant mouse testes, is now available online ...

Min’s work focused on the development and application of single-cell RNA sequencing analysis in male infertility. Congratulations Dr. Jung!


Eloise is a Biomedical Engineering student at the University of Wyoming and works with microfluidic devices in Dr. John Oakey’s lab. She will be working ...

Brian comes to us from the laboratories of Drs. Suzanne Lee and Dan Pollard at Western Washington University where his research focused on the analysis ...

Don’s talk on the lab’s single-cell genomics project was very well received at the conference. He was among a group of leading andrologists from primarily ...

She will present her work on the regulation of Sertoli cells at the Platform Competition during the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) 52nd ...

Nicole will present her work on whole-body maps of postzygotic mutations in humans at the 31st annual Biology of Genomes (BOG) meeting at Cold Spring ...

Don has spent a few months now in Portland, transitioning over from WashU to ONPRC/OHSU. Things have been busy and productive, and the lab is ...

Eisa has a joint appointment with Ben Bimber, research faculty in the Division of Genetics. Welcome, Eisa.


In addition to her lab administrative duties, Katinka is also responsible for scientific communications and graphic design. Welcome, Katinka!


The paper by Don and collaborators from the GTEx Consortium is now published online at Nature. Congratulations! Abstract Characterization of the molecular function of the ...

Liina’s paper with GEMINI collaborators is now online at American Journal of Human Genetics. Congratulations! Abstract Infertility affects around 7% of men worldwide. Idiopathic non-obstructive ...

Don has been recruited to Oregon National Research Primate Center (ONPRC) at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) to lead their newly established Genetics Division. ...

Liina’s latest paper is now online at Fertility & Sterility. Congratulations, Liina! Abstract Recent epidemiological studies have identified an association between male factor infertility and ...

Avi, Ni and Don’s paper with collaborators from the GTEx Consortium is now published online at Nature. Congratulations, Avi, Ni and Don! Abstract Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) ...

Ana and Min’s manuscript is now online at JOVE. Congratulations Ana, Min, Jannette and Abul! Abstract Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) has been one of the ...

She will present her work at ASRM 2017. Congratulations Min!


Her project is called “Location matters: the role of localized translation in Sertoli cell function.” Congratulations Ana!


Don’s paper with collaborators from Dr. Ira Hall’s lab is now online at Nature. Congratulations! Abstract Rare genetic variants are abundant in humans and are ...

Nic and Abul’s paper is now online at G3 Genes | Genomes | Genetics. Congratulations! Abstract Spermatozoa are one of the few mammalian cell types ...

Amy’s n=1 paper is now online at Nature Genetics. Congratulations! Abstract Standard techniques from genetic epidemiology are ill-suited to formally assess the significance of variants ...

Her poster title is “A single cell framework for characterizing testicular germ cell defects in mammals.” This was Min’s first meeting and a triumph! Congratulations!


Ana & Min’s paper is now online at Biology of Reproduction. Congratulations! Abstract Advanced methods of cellular purification are required to apply genome technology to ...