Don Conrad, PhD is a world-renowned expert in genetics/genomics and the development of bioinformatics pipelines/platforms for the efficient assessment and management of genetic data. He played a leading role in mapping and characterizing the functional impact of human chromosomal structural variants. He also developed novel statistical methods for identifying de novo point mutations from next-generation sequencing data and used this to estimate germline mutation rates from parent-offspring trios as part of the 1000 genomes project. 

A major emphasis of his current research includes defining the origins of mutation and the distribution of mutation frequencies that impact gametogenesis, fertilization, and pregnancy. He is founder of the Genetics of Male Infertility Initiative (GEMINI) which is an international network of andrology investigators.

Don received his training at the University of Chicago and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute prior to joining Washington University in St. Louis, where he led a successful research group in the Department of Human Genetics. He joined the ONPRC in 2018 to lead the newly established Division of Genetics.

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