Lab hosts high school student as part of the BRIE program

Sophia Slack, from Westview High School, attended lab meeting and shadowed Ana who was doing microscopy work on mouse testis sections. Her visit was part of the Biomedical Research Immersion Experience (BRIE), a collaboration between the West Campus and the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce’s “School to Career” program.

Conrad Lab apple picking

The lab went to Kiyokawa Family Orchards in Hood River Valley on Sunday to enjoy the beautiful weather and views of snowy Mr. Hood while picking delicious apples.

Nicole attends the LPSHG2019 in Switzerland

Nicole was one of only 20 students who was selected to participate in this prestigious summer school. The week-long school is highly interactive with presentations by instructors and students on cutting-edge topics in human genomics, as well as one-on-one mentoring. Nicole’s team challenge focused on “describing a key question in human genomics and the principles […]

Conrad Lab moves to Portland

Don has spent a few months now in Portland, transitioning over from WashU to ONPRC/OHSU. Things have been busy and productive, and the lab is well on it’s way to 100% functionality. Two post-doctoral fellows have decided to make the move to Portland – Liina Nagirnaja moved in the fall and Ana Lima plans to […]